Appflip is an M&A company primarily focused on Mobile App Exits

Organic Sleep iOS & Playstore App - $99k EBIT & 36% Year 1 Subscription Retention

iOS and Android



The app has ranked very well for relevant keywords in its sub niche, with it generating all of its revenue organically to date. This noise app is loved by its customers, as it allows them to sleep easily, focus, or relax with brown, green, pink, and white noises, with it also having an integrated sleep timer in the app.

The app is owned and operated by an indie developer that developed the iOS app, with them having a rev share in place with their friend that built the Android version.

The app is monetised by subscriptions on the App Store and by One-Time Purchases on the Playstore. The app is monetised only by annual subscriptions on iOS, with the app owner never trialling weekly or monthly subscriptions for this platform.

Deal Terms:

  • The app owner wants a quick asset deal
  • Their preferred structure is more upfront

Key Points

Overview & Highlights:

  • Generated $100k in Proceeds LTM (Sep 24)
  • Achieved $99k in EBIT LTM (Sep 24)
  • Downloaded 6.8k times across both platforms last month (Sep 24)
  • Achieved 36% average renewal rate on annual subscriptions started in 2023

Please be aware that this app is monetised only by annual subscriptions, with it being popular in the past in the January - March period, hence a lot of renewals will be due in these months, meaning a large portion of the revenue is achieved in this period.

Future Roadmap:

  • Subscription Duration: Implement and test shorter duration subscriptions like weekly and monthly
  • User Acquisition: Trial marketing on different channels to scale the app
  • Monetise Subscription Base: Introduce new features to further monetise the existing user base
  • Cross Marketing: Market the app to a large distribution list of high intent traffic from other apps
  • Target Niche Communities: Look at users in communities like ADHD, sleep and focus

Owner Post Sale

Motive for Selling

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